Apr 21, 2013

歸去來喜悲劇 A Tragicomedy About Coming Back





It takes a long long time to come back.

Took a lot of time losing ways though I actually, not looking for any direction. I just thought if it staying in there long enough, it will become some kind of ruins...or I just lying to myself. I also wondering if there would be a new beginning, what should I said? I thought and thought, and never figured it out. Then, years go by. 

Well it just like missing timing so you can't talk to each other. And someday somewhere, acrossing the yonder side of internet, comes a small voice asking me to start all over. Everything suddenly, is illumiated! But there is nothing like movies at all. When I through the darkness, only saw the wreckage of my blog.

Anyway, I'm back.

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