Aug 4, 2006

Save Memories by Your Ears

友人K赴日旅遊,只買了一張CD。他說,妳知道的,Keith Jarrett封面有玫瑰的那張。其實我對Jarrett先生的認識,僅限於大家都知道的傳奇經典-柯隆音樂會,以及某次出於好奇買的,演奏宗教聖歌那張,但我猜他說的大概就是「Death and the Flower」,如右圖示。K在旅程中反覆聆聽,那張買來作個紀念的專輯。於是當他結束旅程,再聽那音樂時,就又好像回到在東京的時光。所以,為什麼總要拍個幾百張照片,在下次旅行前也還整理不完?用耳朵和喜歡的音樂儲存旅行吧。

過沒多久,某個尋常夏夜,我踏著輕快的腳步,走在下班的路上。我選了久久沒聽,不知是否還健在的美國獨立樂團Flin Flon,陪我一起走。

Ukraina by Flin Flon

from the album a-ok





Next song...

Goodbye To All That by The Legendary Jim Ruiz Group

from the album Sniff

My friend K took a trip to Japan, he brought only one CD back. He said, "You know, it's Keith Jarrett's album, cover with a rose that one." Actually I don't know much about Jarrett, unless the legendary The Köln Concert, and bought an album that he played sacred hymns of G.I. Gurdjieff (only by curiosity). But I'm sure that what he bought is 'Death and the Flower', as his souvenir. He listened and listened this album during his trip. In the end, when he back from the trip and played that album again, he found he's back to his time in Tokyo.

So, why we waste time in shooting hundreds of pictures? You don't even have time to put them into your photo books! Try carring your favorite music, then memorized your voyage by your ears.

Another summer night, I took brisk steps on my way home. I chose the music by an indie band 'Flin Flon' to walk with me. Suddenly, I heard their song "Ukraina" and some memories soon came out. I'm back to the time when we still have a large record shop, the time when we don't have MP3s and still buying CDs. And I'm back to the time when I still working in a record shop, in one summer afternoon, while we were gathering to check CDs. We were listening to this kind of music when we work, not knowing the CDs and people here would be separated in some years latter.

We listened to the music all day, we share everything about music and work to each other. Everything is pure pleasure. The first job I truly in love with. When I had to leave the job, (they need a full time, I can't) I cried and cried, tears over my way to school, tears in my failed test paper.

Now, it's the end of the music. In the memory, faces of these people became faint, but the light and the warm of the afternoon are well memorized in my skin. Anyway, just play another song, though memories are not so easy to reveal, and some we don't really want to recall.


Jean Francois said...

Bonjour Helena,

It seems everytime I come back to your blog, there's some neat new trick you've done to make it look nicer! That little mp3 player is superb.

I liked that song by Flin Flon. I was not aware of them. More music to check out!

And thanks for the memory about Keith Jarret. I saw him at the Montreal Jazz Festival in 2004. It has to be the most impressive jazz concert I have seen in my entire life! The man is incredible. In some way, I think he must be connected to the higher spirits.

I have a bunch of Keith Jarret's albums, but was not aware of Death and the Flower.

Thanks for letting me know about this, dear friend.

Anonymous said...

Time goes back to the day I met you at the record shop. I can't remember that was because I knew you worked there or just a coincidence, but I still can feel how you enjoyed working there.

Helena Blues 海藍吶 said...

Bonjour très cher Jean-Francois:

Thanks for visiting my blog regularly! I'm very proud to have a good reader like you. Well, you seemed to notice every change I made to my blog, you know how happy I am. As usual, I hope I can let you know what I've been doing in my blog, so I try to do this poor translation, and I also hope someday a foreign reader pass by will be able to read this. Anyway, now I can learn what you think about this article, wonderful!

Helena Blues 海藍吶 said...

Dear chien:

We must be met somewhere sometime before.

If I know you there, I will be very happy to meet you again here on my blog. Surprised!

If it's not, we are passing traveller in each other's lives after all.

Nice to meet you(again?) !

Anonymous said...



Helena Blues 海藍吶 said...

Dear Julia:


Anonymous said...


Helena Blues 海藍吶 said...

Dear longhair:


La Notte said...

Prayer .. Prayer ..

Helena Blues 海藍吶 said...

Prayer .. Prayer ..