Jazz Frisson(Round Midnight)
The Blogger:
.Wonderful taste in Jazz
.Friendly and generous MP3 links
(Listen before you read the "welcome jazz lovers", and be careful! You will purchase all the records!)
.First hand live report
.Proof that music is universal
言簡意賅的標題「Round Midnight」(鋼琴怪傑Thelonious Monk之爵士超名曲),已等於宣示這是片爵士樂土。雖然網誌主要以法文寫作,但友善的MP3聯結讓你突破任何語言障礙(只需要注意一點,使用過度將讓你想要擁有所有的CD!),並對部落格主Jean-François對爵士樂的卓絕品味致上敬意。除了專輯介紹,Jean-François先生也會不時進行爵士樂現場報導,包括才剛結束的2006蒙特婁爵士音樂節!住在加拿大的他,最近更去了紐約來趟爵士小旅行,實在令爵士樂迷嫉妒不已。
就像巷底深處的小店,沒有讓太多人知道的「Round Midnight」,目前仍靜靜的、優雅的,釋放著溫柔的心意與悠揚的爵士樂聲。如果你放慢腳步,專注聆聽,就會聽得見。
又:就在我寫好這篇文章不久,JF先生已將此站改頭換面啦!已改名為「Jazz Frisson」,新站仍在架設中,不過網誌架構不變。再一次,印證部落世界瞬間萬變的不變定理。
Bonjour Helena,
What an honor to be choosen to open your new column ''Bloggism'' !
Thanks for all the nice words about my blog. I read my name a few times in your text (how I wish I could read mandarin...)
You're doing this column just as I am migrating from Round Midnight to my new blog JAZZ FRISSON. Right now, things are still moving around a little bit, a few bugs still come up here and there, so I ask your readers to please bear with me as I resolve these issues. However, the music and the mp3 links are all still there if you look around.
For those wondering what JAZZ FRISSON means, frisson means SHIVERS like when ''music sends shivers down your spine''.
Merci Helena and WELCOME JAZZ LOVERS !
Dear JF my friend,
Wow you've seen this article before I tell you!
Obviously you are one of my fidelity readers, so happy to see your comment. Thanks for the instruction to your new site, so meaningful.
I leave the rest to the mail.
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