當他看著右邊的信號指示,一頭金髮散亂披著,陷入哪邊才是週五航班的困惑中。他很美。他有雙最美麗的眼 睛。而且他臉上有最美麗的迷惘表情。
Blake had been repeating the plane's departure time at seven-thirty in the evening, gate sixteen, over and over again in his head so he wouldn't forget.
His blond hair jostled out of the way as he looked up at signs that guided the traffic to the right, into a circle of confusion which was Friday airport traffic. He was beautiful. He had the most beautiful eyes. And he had the most beautiful confused look on his face.
Image clips from the film 'Last Days'
written and directed by Gus Van Sant
Quotations from the novel 'Pink'
by Gus Van Sant
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