Neko Case 歷年專輯

1997 The Virginian (Bloodshot)

2000 Furnace Room Lullaby (Bloodshot)

2002 Blacklisted (Bloodshot)

2004 The Tigers Have Spoken-live album (Anti)

2006 Fox Confessor Brings the Flood (Anti)
Neko Case官方網站,可以直接試聽幾乎所有歌曲Neko Case在 NPR(National Public Radio)舉辦的現場演出
Hi Helena,
Visited your blog today. Surprise! It looks very nice but I can't read mandarin (well, I think that's what it is, forgive me if I'm wrong)...
Anyway, just want to let you know that I love Neko Case. Was listening to her album Fox Confessor Brings The Flood while driving today. Great singer.
Take care!
Hey JF!!!
Thanks for your sweet words, I am so so so glad to know you!!!
It's always been very excited to know anyone who loves Neko, and yes, I'm writing the article in mandarin, it's my native language, but I'm working on English writing now... If you can read this message, I guess I almost succeeded :P
Have a great trip with Fox Confessor Brings The Flood!
Helena from a little island Taiwan
Hi Helena,
Your english is great. Much better than my mandarin, anyway!
Here's some information that may be of interest to your compatriots visiting Montreal in Canada. Next July 6th, there is a Fantasia Film Festival starting here (address: ). I've been attending this Festival for the past nine years, viewing, each year, between 12 to 20 films in mandarin with english subtitles (mostly action and horror movies). Unfortunately, it's been no help so far to read mandarin (a lifetime would probably not be enough...)
As you can see, I find your culture absolutely fascinating.
Best regards from Canada!
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